Geo-Marine® Series III Type Hermetic Connectors

Geo-Marine® Series III Type Hermetic Connectors

Glenair's Series 22 Geo-Marine® connectors offer high-density insert arrangements for a variety of oceanographic, geophysical and other severe environmental applications. The Mated stainless steel plug and receptacle have a hydrostatic pressure sealing capacity of up to 5000 psi (345 bar), and feature a hermetic glass seal for extremely harsh environments. Because Glenair makes all its hermetic connectors in-house, including the machining of shells, molding of interfacial seals and firing of hermetic components, we can offer you outstanding availability on stock products and fast turnaround on special orders.


220-00 and 220-10

220-00 and 220-10

Front Mounted Bulkhead Receptacle Connector
220-01 and 220-11

220-01 and 220-11

In-Line Connector Receptacle
220-02 and 220-12

220-02 and 220-12

Square Flange Mount Receptacle
220-03 and 220-13

220-03 and 220-13

Solder Mount Bulkhead Receptacle
220-04 and 220-14

220-04 and 220-14

Rear Wall Mount Jam Nut Receptacle
220-07 and 220-17

220-07 and 220-17

Rear Mounted Jam Nut Box Mount Receptacle


Special Scoop-Proof Jam Nut Receptacle
Shell Sizes -10, -12 and -14
227-039 and 227-040

227-039 and 227-040

Jam Nut Mount Bulkhead Feed-Through Connector
Environmental or Hermetic