M22759/GS22759, Single-Ended Data Transmission Wire

M22759/GS22759, Single-Ended Data Transmission Wire

Qualified and Glenair Commercial-Equivalent Airframe

Non-Impedance Matched Data Transmission Cable

SAE AS22759 Type

Glenair's range of AS22759 wire and cable is manufactured and qualified to SAE requirements for this, the most commonly applied of all aerospace data transmission media. We offer a complete selection of styles, sizes and colors in twist, overbraid, and jacketed configurations. Wire may be supplied etched, stripped and cut to specific lengths to meet any application requirement. Airframe non-impedance matched data transmission cable is often only available in long cable runs and/or minimum dollar or length quantities. Glenair offers same-day shipment on popular wire — and every 39029 contact you might need — all with no minimums.


Same-Day Inventory Search

Mil-Spec Data Transmission Wire: Same-Day Inventory Search

To conduct a Same-Day Inventory Search, type a partial or complete Glenair or MS part number in the text field below and select "Enter" to search our same-day inventory for your desired component. Partial part numbers are acceptable. Part Numbers for wire and cable should start with “M22759” or “GS22759”.

While this is a real-time inventory, all items are subject to prior sale. Orders are shipped on a first-in, first-out basis.

Tips for using inventory search

  • If less than 25 part numbers matching your query are found, the part numbers and their quantities will be displayed.
  • If more than 25 part numbers matching your query are found, you will be asked to narrow your search by entering a more complete part number. For example, entering . X21. will return more than 25 matches, but narrowing the search by entering . X21-545. will result in less than 25 matches, and these matches will be displayed:
    • X21-545-275
    • X21-545-773
    • X21-545-778
    • X21-545-779
    • X21-545-855
  • If no matching part numbers are found, the results will indicate that 0 part numbers were found. This probably means that the part number is not in Glenair's Same-Day Inventory, but you may wish to check that the part number was entered accurately.
  • Dashes in a part number must be included in your query. For example, searching for 357-8980-060 by typing 3578980060 will return a message that 0 matching part numbers were found because the dashes were not included in the entered number (357-8980-060).
  • The Same-Day Inventory Search does not require or accept wildcard characters such as * or %. To search for all part numbers containing . 357,. such as 357-7916-070, 357-7916-140, 357-8980-060, 357-8980-120, and G9357-6N; type . 357. in the text field and select "Enter". All numbers containing . 357. will be listed.

Test Reports and Technical Information



Silver Coated Copper Wire with Extruded TFE Jacket



Tin Coated Copper Wire with Extruded ETFE Insulation



Tin Coated Copper Wire with Thin-Wall Extruded ETFE Insulation



Tin Coated Copper Wire with Crosslinked, Modified ETFE Insulation



Glenair's commercial equivalent Tin Coated Copper Wire with Extruded ETFE Insulation



Glenair's commercial equivalent M22759/17 Silver-Coated Wire, High-Strength Copper Conductor with Extruded ETFE Insulation



Glenair's commercial equivalent M22759/18 Tin Coated Copper Wire with Thin-Wall Extruded ETFE Insulation



Glenair's commercial equivalent Tin Coated Wire, High-Strength Copper Conductor with Extruded ETFE Insulation

Tin Coated Wire, Copper Conductor with Modified ETFE Insulated GS22759-32


Tin Coated Wire, Copper Conductor with Lightweight Modified ETFE Insulated

Silver Coated Wire, High-Strength Copper Conductor with Modified ETFE Insulated, GS22759-33


Silver Coated Wire, High-Strength Copper Conductor with Lightweight Modified ETFE Insulated

Tin Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Normal Weight Modified ETFE Insulated, GS22759-34


Tin Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Normal Weight (Dual Wall) Modified ETFE Insulated

Silver Coated Wire, High Strength Copper Conductor, Modified ETFE Insulated, GS22759-35


Silver Coated Wire, High Strength Copper Conductor, (Dual Wall) Modified ETFE Insulated

Nickel Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Normal Weight Modified ETFE Insulated, GS22759-41


Nickel Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Normal Weight (Dual Wall) Modified ETFE Insulated

Nickel Coated Wire, High Strength Copper Conductor, Normal Weight (Dual Wall) Crosslinked Etfe Insulated, GS22759-42


Nickel Coated Wire, High Strength Copper Conductor, Normal Weight (Dual Wall) Crosslinked Etfe Insulated

Silver Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Normal Weight Modified ETFE Insulated, GS22759-43


Silver Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Normal Weight (Dual Wall) Modified ETFE Insulated

Silver Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Lightweight Crosslinked Modified Crosslinked Etfe Insulated, GS22759-44


Silver Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Lightweight Crosslinked Modified Crosslinked Etfe Insulated

Nickel Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Lightweight Modified ETFE Insulated, GS22759-45


Nickel Coated Wire, Copper Conductor, Lightweight Modified ETFE Insulated

Nickel Coated Wire, High-Strength Copper Conductor, Lightweight ETFE Insulated, GS22759-46


Nickel Coated Wire, High-Strength Copper Conductor, Lightweight ETFE Insulated